Hey there! Are you tired of spending hours reading articles, blog posts, and PDF files? Readme TTS is here to help! This comprehensive Chrome extension offers an innovative text-to-speech solution that allows you to listen to written content with just a click of a button. Say goodbye to boring reading and hello to a more enjoyable and hands-free way to consume information. They also integrate a Summary function powered by ChatGPT, an advanced language model trained by OpenAI. This feature allows you to quickly and easily get a concise summary of any webpage you visit. With just a click of a button, our natural language processing algorithms analyze the page's content and generate a summary of its main points. So, boost your productivity and get more done with Readme TTS! 🚀
Readme TTS Text Reader

Listen to content from webpage" text beside a phone screen with highlighted text reading, "As Sarah listened to the content, she realized that she was absorbing the information much more quickly and easily than before.