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Audible, an Amazon company, has the world’s largest selection of audiobooks and original ad-free audio shows. Whatever your passion, your interests, or favorite authors, there’s a perfect listen for you.

Listen to great storytelling narrated by A-list celebrities or audiobooks about A-list celebrities. Turn a chair into the best seat in the house while you listen to a full-cast performance. Turn everyday jogs into adventures. With our free app, audiobooks go where you go. Even if you switch devices, you’ll never lose your place.

Start your free 30-day trial

✓  Free membership for 30 days with 1 audiobook + 2 Audible Originals.

✓  After trial, 3 titles each month: 1 audiobook + 2 Audible Originals.

✓  Exclusive audio-guided wellness programs.

How to use this Hack?

  • Download your favorite audiobook and listen to some of your favorite audiobooks. You can listen at a faster speed (e.g. 2x or 3x speed)
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Headspace App
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Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.

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RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool that can manage all of your social media accounts from a unified dashboard. It helps to uplift your social media presence by supporting content gathering, multiple accounts, and custom scheduling.

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Long Business Description is an AI-powered platform that lets you build powerful database apps for better project management and CRMs.

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Ranktracker the all-in-one platform for effective SEO. ⚡ Find keywords, track website ranking, analyze SERPs and audit your website using world-class data.

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Calendly is a simple, easy-to-use, yet powerful scheduling software, which aims to save time, accelerate sales, and improve service quality. It eliminates the old-school way of using email and phone tags for scheduling appointments, calls, interviews, demos, and more.

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An online cloud-based customer service software providing helpdesk support with all smart automations to get things done faster.

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Pipedrive is the easy-to-use, #1 user-rated CRM tool. Get more qualified leads and grow your business.

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Ruby serves small businesses by delivering exceptional customer experiences over the phone and online via website chat.

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LastPass is a freemium password manager that stores encrypted passwords online. The standard version of LastPass comes with a web interface, but also includes plugins for various web browsers and apps for many smartphones. It also includes support for bookmarklets.

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