Siteliner is a free service that lets you explore your website, revealing key issues that affect your site's quality and search engine rankings:
Duplicate Content - Duplicate content can lower your site's search engine rankings, reducing the traffic to your site. Siteliner systematically checks your site for internal duplicate content, highlighting it on each page, intelligently excluding common content such as menus and navigation.
Broken Links - Broken links can damage your site's user experience and lower your site's search engine rankings. Siteliner checks all internal links on your site to ensure they are working, and highlights the broken links so you can fix them easily.
Page Power - Siteliner identifies the pages that are most prominent to search engines as they crawl through your site based on the link patterns between your pages.
Reports - Siteliner crawls and analyzes the pages on your site, revealing key information about each page. Siteliner provides a standard XML Sitemap for your site, as well as a more detailed Siteliner Report.
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At Screencast-O-Matic, we don’t believe that video recording and editing should be difficult, or cost a fortune. Our simple and intuitive tools help you get the job done easily.
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SE Ranking is a reliable SEO platform for solving any SEO task. Accurate data, intuitive dashboards, and hassle-free reporting come at an affordable price.
We help journalists, writers and bloggers connect with an extensive network of quality sources; and we help subscribers to the service get publicity (or famous, whichever comes first). You can post a 'call out' for a source on the site whenever you like.
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