A diverse group of people, including men and women of varying ages and ethnic backgrounds, smiling and presenting different expressions, gathered together.
  • Are you a startup founder that wishes there were more hours in the day?
  • Have you and/or your team "maximized" the number of hours in your day?
  • Do you have a "side hustle" that you want to launch with your full-time job?
  • Are you drowning in opportunities and need to create better systems?
  • I have a business problem that's keeping me up at night.
  • Do you just need and want to level up in your organization?

If you connect with any of these or have any of these business problems, then look no further than CEO Hack Buzz. That's why we created this.

Learn how to be more effective and efficient by signing up for CEO Hack Buzz! Get exclusive access to How-To Tutorials, Guides & Resources in your inbox every week.

Illustration of a multitasking person in a suit with multiple arms, handling a clipboard, phone, coffee, light bulb, clock, book, and laptop.

While we don't know how to give you more arms and hands (YET) or how to get 25 or 26 hours out of a day (YET). We do want to show you how to leverage these CEO Hacks to be more effective & efficient.

We wanted to take our list of CEO Hacks and bring some strategies to help you use and execute. In our newsletter that's exactly what you will get the exact ways that you can leverage these CEO Hacks. We're simplifying and demystifying the technology and giving you a practical way to use it in your organization.

  • Learn about AI software you should be using and learn how to use it
  • Find out the FREE software that you have to know about
  • Incorporate habits to take your habits & routines to the next level
  • Read the books that can help you level up your organization
  • Access exclusive offers and access resources including our Problems & Solutions List (updated regularly) to help solve your business problems
  • And so much more

Learn how to be more effective and efficient by signing up for CEO Hack Buzz! Get exclusive access to How-To Tutorials, Guides & Resources in your inbox every week.


Unlock Your Full Potential with Weekly CEO Hacks

At CEO Hack Buzz, we are on a mission to help CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners be more effective and efficient. We do this through our apps, books, articles and resources.

We understand that being a CEO is not easy and that there is a lot of pressure to perform. That's why we created this company - to help you hack your way to success!

Since our launch in 2016, we have helped and interviewed thousands of CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners across our blogs (CEO Blog Nation), podcasts (CEO Podcasts, I AM CEO Podcasts & CEO Chat Podcast), and more and learned how they improved their productivity and become more effective. We are constantly expanding our offerings and now have a range of products to suit your needs. Now we are launching a premium newsletter packed with loads of value.

So whether you're looking for an app to help you manage your time better, a book on how to be a more effective leader or just some tips on how to be more productive, CEO Hack has you covered!

A man in a dark suit stands outdoors, adjusting his tie with one hand. He is looking into the distance with a serious expression. A building with large windows is in the background.

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Keap is a private company that offers an e-mail marketing and sales platform for small businesses, including products to manage and optimize the customer lifecycle, customer relationship management, marketing automation, lead capture, and e-commerce. It is based in Chandler, Arizona.

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Business Tags
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
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Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams!

While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.

The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of "Massive Action," allowing you to blast through business cliches and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results.

  • Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets
  • Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity
  • Discover the time management myth
  • Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed
  • Know the exact formula to solve problems

Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.

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Morning Routine from Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
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Tim Ferriss shares some habits on how important it is to win the day by winning the morning.


About Tribe of Mentors

Tim Ferriss, the number-one New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book - a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world's top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life's most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.

From the author:

In 2017, several of my close friends died in rapid succession. It was a very hard year, as it was for many people.

It was also a stark reminder that time is our scarcest, non-renewable resource.

With a renewed sense of urgency, I began asking myself many questions:

  • Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?
  • How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?
  • How could I be kinder to myself?
  • How could I better say “no” to the trivial many to better say “yes” to the critical few?
  • How could I best reassess my priorities and my purpose in this world?

To find answers, I reached out to the most impressive world-class performers in the world, ranging from wunderkinds in their 20s to icons in their 70s and 80s. No stone was left unturned.

This book contains their answers - practical and tactical advice from mentors who have found solutions. Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes.

This book, Tribe of Mentors, includes many of the people I grew up viewing as idols or demi-gods. Less than 10% have been on my podcast (The Tim Ferriss Show, more than 200 million downloads), making this a brand-new playbook of playbooks.

No matter your challenge or opportunity, something in this audiobook can help.

Among other things, you will learn:

  • More than 50 morning routines - both for the early riser and those who struggle to get out of bed.
  • How TED curator Chris Anderson realized that the best way to get things done is to let go.
  • The best purchases of $100 or less (you'll never have to think about the right gift again).
  • How to overcome failure and bounce back towards success.
  • Why Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton believes that the best art will always be the riskiest.
  • How to meditate and be more mindful (and not just for those that find it easy).
  • Why tennis champion Maria Sharapova believe that “losing makes you think in ways victories can’t.”
  • How to truly achieve work-life balance (and why most people tell you it isn’t realistic).
  • How billionaire Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz transformed the way he engages with difficult situations to reduce suffering.
  • Ways to thrive (and survive) the overwhelming amount of information you process every day.
  • How to achieve clarity on your purpose and assess your priorities.
  • And much more.
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Picture this: you're a busy CEO, entrepreneur, or business owner. Long, written emails dominate your day. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could convey all of the essential information, but with more authenticity and in less time? Well, say no more. Thanks to Vocal, now you can! 🎉

This nifty tool lets you send verbal messages that capture all the passion and personality of your voice. 🗣🎙

Let's have a look at how you can put it to work:

  • For the Big Cheese CEOs 🧀: Vocal lets you swiftly send updates to your team. Your voice carries the urgency, excitement, or importance much better than monotonous text, don't you think?
  • For the Go-Getter Entrepreneurs & Sales Professionals 👏: You can reach out to potential investors or customers, adding a personal touch that text simply can't replicate. Your enthusiasm for your idea? It'll shine brighter than ever! 💡
  • For the Standout Business Owners💼: Respond to customer inquiries or send personalized greetings that make your clients feel truly valued. It's all about forging stronger connections, folks! 💪📨

Wait! That's not all. Vocal can supercharge your sales outreach efforts and customer relationship building like you've never seen before! 🚀🎯

Let's see why it's a star:

  • Efficiency Overload: It scores big on time-saving - purportedly 10x faster than typing!
  • Say 'Hi' to Personalization: With voice messages, your lovely character is front and center. It's like a friendly chat over email! ☕
  • Stay in the Flow: You don't need a new app. Vocal plays nice with mainstream email clients and other CEO Hacks like Gmail (Google Workspace) and Outlook (Office365). 🔄
  • Total Control: You determine what gets shared and when. Sent something by mistake? Just delete it!
  • Hassle-Free Listening: Heads up, receivers! You don't need to install anything to hear these messages. Tune right in from the email. 💌🎧

So, let's cut to the chase, folks! Are you ready to save time, reach out effectively, and build stronger relationships? 🤝 With Vocal, fast and engaging communication is just a voice note away. It's a game-changer! 🕹 Let's get vocal! 📣

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Google Trends
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Google Trends is a website by Google that analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. The website uses graphs to compare the search volume of different queries over time.

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Amazon Business
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Amazon Business combines the selection, convenience, and value you expect from Amazon, with features that can help improve your operations.

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Threads, an Instagram App
Long Business Description

Say more with Threads — Instagram’s text-based conversation app

Threads is where communities come together to discuss everything from the topics you care about today to what’ll be trending tomorrow. Whatever it is you’re interested in, you can follow and connect directly with your favorite creators and others who love the same things — or build a loyal following of your own to share your ideas, opinions and creativity with the world.

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Business Name
Long Business Description

NoteGPT offers useful features for clever learning - to reduce half of your learning time.  Use it to increase learning efficiency for free!

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Headspace App
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Long Business Description

Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.

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Long Business Description

Ruby serves small businesses by delivering exceptional customer experiences over the phone and online via website chat.

Business Website Address

What's keeping you up at night?

Have business problems? We have answers and solutions. These are some of them from our Problem & Solutions List (updated regularly). Click on your business problem below, sign up and we will tell you how you can solve it with a CEO Hack! "Have a problem? There's a CEO Hack for it!"

We're not creating enough content in our organization

Solution: How to Create More Content (Join CEO Hack Buzz - FREE TRIAL)

We need help scheduling in different time zones

I don't know how to design or develop but want my podcast episodes in one place

I need to write more content for my blog but I don't know where to start

Solution: How to create a blog post using AI (Join CEO Hack Buzz - FREE TRIAL)

I need to create more social media content for my sites but don't know where to start

I have a business idea or pivot and don't have anyone to think through it with

How do I write a book with my podcast, blogs or vlog content?

How can we increase revenue and profitability in a sustainable manner?

What strategies can we implement to stay ahead of our competitors?

Are we attracting and retaining top talent to drive business growth?

Are we delivering exceptional customer experiences and retaining their loyalty?

My content is too long, how do I shorten it?

How to Create Show Notes for My Podcast

How do I attract and find the right people to add to my team?

I know I need to start a newsletter but I'm not sure where to start?

I've heard of this tool called ChatGPT but have no idea where to start?

Are we effectively managing our cash flow to meet financial obligations?

How can we foster a culture of innovation and adapt to changing market dynamics?

How can we streamline our operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs?

What are the potential risks and how can we effectively manage them?

Hope You Enjoyed this CEO Hack

At CEO Hack, we are helping superheroes spend more time in their zone of power. We are on a mission to help CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners be more effective and efficient. We do this through our apps, books, articles, and resources. We understand that being a CEO is not easy and that there is a lot of pressure to perform. That's why we created this company - to help you hack your way to success!

Since our launch in 2016, we have helped thousands of CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners improve their productivity and effectiveness. We are constantly expanding our offerings and now have a range of products to suit your needs. So whether you're looking for an app to help you manage your time better, a book on how to be a more effective leader, or just some tips on how to be more productive, CEO Hack has you covered!

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