Use AI to boost your traffic and save hours of work. Automatically write unique, engaging and high-quality copy or content: from long-form blog posts or landing pages to digital ads in seconds.
heatmap provides realtime analytics and mouse tracking that helps sites editors understand in seconds which are their best performing contents. heatmap is used to optimize the traffic flow on websites and significantly reduce exit rates.
Audible, an Amazon company, has the world’s largest selection of audiobooks and original ad-free audio shows. Whatever your passion, your interests, or favorite authors, there’s a perfect listen for you.
Listen to great storytelling narrated by A-list celebrities or audiobooks about A-list celebrities. Turn a chair into the best seat in the house while you listen to a full-cast performance. Turn everyday jogs into adventures. With our free app, audiobooks go where you go. Even if you switch devices, you’ll never lose your place.
Start your free 30-day trial
✓ Free membership for 30 days with 1 audiobook + 2 Audible Originals.
✓ After trial, 3 titles each month: 1 audiobook + 2 Audible Originals.
✓ Exclusive audio-guided wellness programs.
How to use this Hack?
Download your favorite audiobook and listen to some of your favorite audiobooks. You can listen at a faster speed (e.g. 2x or 3x speed)
Trusted by over 20 million people, Todoist is the best online task management app and to-do list. For Web, iPhone, iPad, Android, Chrome, Outlook and many more!
WPESignature is perfect for small business owners, designers, freelancers, photographers and basically anyone who’s tired of sending their customers to a third party website to sign their documents.  If you want to get documents or contracts signed, then you need WPESign™.
MyCorporation makes starting and maintaining a business easier. We'll help you form a corporation or limited liability company online in just a few minutes.
If your content reads like it was entirely produced by AI, it may affect how search engines rank it. Use our free detector to check up to 1,500 characters, and decide if you want to make adjustments before you publish.
AI content detection is only available in the Writer app as an API, and is limited to checks of 1,500 characters at a time.